Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Slowly but surely. Something like that anyway!

Well, it's been a few days since I last posted!

I thought it would be a laugh on Sunday (26/1/14) to try a brick session ie a bike ride followed by a run. Ha bloodin ha ha is all I can say

The ride was to be around an hour and 16 miles but because I hadn't plotted a route, I could only guess a time and distance. Anyway, I knew the route I was doing so set off at a reasonable rate (turned out to be 14.4 mph (on a mtb!!) but it was only 12 miles, so it was done in 50 minutes or so.

Following one of the slowest transition times of around 15 minutes, I set off on the run, sorry it's mostly walking at the moment), with the hope of doing around 6 to 8 minutes of running in the 35 minutes I'd be out.

This is where the ha ha comes in. Despite the fact that I was very hot still from the bike ride, and was feeling really good, the legs really weren't interested in running whatsoever. So, my 6 - 8 was more like 3 - 4 :D

I'm not complaining as this I think is the sort of thing I need to know. As mentioned variously on these pages, I do a lot of mtb'ing so of course I was going to feel good following the ride - it's what I do.

Unfortunately this means I am going to have to curtail the mtb rides when they are likely to clash with my runs (walks) as I think I need all the recovery time I can get. I'm going to restrict myself to time on the rollers on a Wednesday eve for half an hour or so and do a decent ride on Sunday mornings - around 8 hours before the Sunday runs (done in the evening). Or I'll do the run first. Hmm

Anyway, that was then and this is now ie about an hour after my last run which was the proper first of the 6/24 run/walks. Felt quite good and did 8 minutes of running which I guess must be just under a mile or so. Should be doing a night ride (mtb) in the local forest tomorrow but will concentrate on recovery for Thursday as want to try and do two 4 - 5 minute runs within the run/walk 35 minute session.

I'll only cut down on the cycling for two or three weeks to get the legs stronger for the running then get the two disciplines going together.

Anyway, time for a recovery sleep:)


Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Feeling Epic!

Well, it's only a small step, but I finally managed some meaningful running tonight.

When I originally started this quest, I just went out for a few runs and made my legs hurt. Then I joined the www.beginnertriathlete.com forum and started following their Couch to 5k programme which (if you've been following this blog) will know involved some walking in the first week (which I did), then 3 minutes of running in the following week, which was last week and which I didn't do because my legs hurt so much. All I ended up doing was more walking.

Anyway, I think the reason for my inability to run was because I'd decided to walk the first mile and a half as a warm up, but (this is a theory) I reckon my legs got used to walking so said no to the running!

This brings me to tonight's sesh. I walked for probably a quarter of a mile to the main road, then started running. Ok, it was only for two minutes, but remember I'm supposed to be doing three minutes per half hour at the moment. So, then I walked a bit and recovered then ran the supposedly final minute.

Then guess what, yep, I felt so good, I ran for another three minutes, with a 30 second interlude to tie a wayward lace. Then I walked and near the end I ran for another one minute 15 seconds. All in all, I ran for 7 mins 15 secs, average moving speed 3.95 mph, max 9 mph, best pace 6 min 51 sec per mile. That would mean the 3.5 miles in 25 minutes. I think I may skip Week 2 (27 minutes of walking/3 of running) and go straight to Week 3 (24 walk/6 run) but increase the run by a little (target of 7m 30s run next time) if I feel ok. And to do all the running in two or three segments, rather than five or six.

Yes, I know many more miles will need to be pounded, but fingers crossed my knees are ok. I think I need to concentrate when running to make sure I don't run with loose knees - I know what I mean!

Anyway, bike tomorrow, then back to running Thursday

Happy Bloke, till next time


Sunday, 19 January 2014

Did a bike ride though!

Well, I was supposed to have gone for a run/walk on Thursday night, but my legs didn't want to know, then again Friday night, then again Saturday etc.

So, my training schedule is completely to pot now - I am really struggling to get motivated to try and run as it hurts every time I do.

Tomorrow I'm going to try the local gym and start using their running machines to try and get my knees used to running on a softer surface and build up the useless muscles.

I will be going out later tonight for a walky/run - gotta try, as it's been five days since the last - but I'm going to do a short warm up then run rather than save the run till the end like last time.

As for the cycling, I do a lot of mountain biking, which is harder than road bikes due to low pressure fat knobbly tyres and heavy bikes. And we try and ride in gooey mud so the rides tend not to have big mileages.

So, today I collared a friend and we rode from our respective homes to a meeting place in Matfield and then rode to Bedgebury Forest, did a lap and rode back - the last mile through a few farmers fields that were so muddy, slippery and gooey that where the legs hadn't been burning prior, they soon started. Anyway, it turned out to be 28 miles, with 2800 feet of climbing. As it was November since the last long ride and I've not suffered cramp, I'm quite pleased.

I am also going to have to get in a pool sometime soon - I don't have any worries of the distance (being 400 metres), but it would be nice to have some confidence that I can do the swim in well under 7 minutes - which is what I'm going to train to do. repetitive 400 metre sprints. If I can do 4 or 5 per session and two to three a week I should be ok!

Anyway, going for a walky/run now - which will mean 28 mile bike and 2.3 miles on foot. Does that count as a brick session :D
Till next time!

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

How hard can it be!

I went for what was supposed to be my gentle introduction to running (despite my efforts the BP - before the programme), so I thought, we'll do most of the walk first, then do the three minute run.

I managed about 20 feet before I had really painful legs on the area to the inside and down of the knee caps. It has continued today and is very very painful.

If I can't get this running going I'm going to have to give up any thoughts a doing a triathlon, and yes, I know it's still early days, but come on; I managed more running the first night than last night.

It was supposed to be the club nightride at the forest tonight, but due to dampness I couldn't find anyone else to go, so I may have to get out on the road later. No ideal, but need to do something.

Anyway, bit of a short post cos I'm not happy.

Back Thursday after second run (ish).

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Last Walky so....

.....that was the end of week one.

All the walks have followed the same route and been approx. 2.3 miles in length and in the region of 37 minutes each. It was sort of deliberate to make it longer, as once the running starts, the time should come down much nearer to the target 30 minutes.

Obviously, once the running forms a major part of the session, then I may have to increase the distance. Who knows, I may end up running 3.5 miles in half an hour. Wouldn't that be something! Tri-optimist is probably about right:D

Anyway, tonight's walk, as you would expect was fairly uneventful apart from when a badger ran across the pavement. Nice to see one not lying in the road for a change.

Also, it was raining. Quite a lot - to the extent I even had my waterproof bicycle jacket on.

On Tuesday, I start the running, though only for three minutes of the session. I think this is going to be a long drawn out programme, and the tri seems an awfully long way away.

I was debating how to do the three minutes of running; ie all in one go or break it into minute long parts. Checked the programme, and it really is up to me.

So, for the first one, I'll try running the three minutes. If that works, I'll do all three sessions the same. If not, I'll break them up.

When we get to the third week, I may have two three minutes sessions with a three minute break. Not sure yet, and I don't know why I'm even contemplating the third week yet!!!

I suppose that technically, I did my first brick session today - a bike ride this morning (even though I broke the bike!!) and a walk this evening. The 12 hour gap may be an issue foe some though!!!!!

Anyway, back Tuesday or Thursday, to update. Enjoy.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Second Walky!

I was seriously considering skipping the first week of "The Plan", as I had already done a few runs but common sense dictated I didn't. So, last night I went and did the second 1/2 hour walk (again around 36 minutes). I used the first few minutes as a warm up and the same at the end as a warm down.

That's now nearly 4 miles run and 4.5 walked in the last two weeks - basically more than in the previous 10 years! Obviously, I've been walking, but only to the car and back!

First time I did the walk, the knees were quite sore for quite a lot of the walk, second time around, just towards the end.

I've lost around half a stone so far - four and a half to go!

Anyway, I'm nearly convinced this is the best way to go so will stick with it. Next walk will be Sunday, then from next week we start introducing running. Oooh, exciting.

But only 3 minutes per night, which should mean actually moving time will be bang on the time, then stretching etc.

Cheers all.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

A Walk, Not a Run!

Last night I was feeling a bit rubbish so jumped in the shower, turned the temperature up and stood under it for 20 minutes or so. Then I went to bed.

Tonight, I decided that I really ought to be getting on with the running - but following on from the advice of the helpful folk at http://beginnertriathlete.com/ , rather than run, I decided to walk - supposed to be for 25 - 30 minutes, but ended up nearly 40. The route I took was slightly longer than anticipated. I did to about 35 minutes then wound down the pace till I got home, then did a bit of stretching.

A couple of things I noticed - walking at a good pace isn't that easy. Bear in mind that I haven't really walked anywhere for 10 years, since I stopped walking to/fro the station and same at the other end of the line! I had a stitch most of the way around, which was mildly amusing. Also my left knee was aching a bit but I think it's a muscle thing rather than joint. Hope so anyway.

I happened to start my (different) training programme on the same night the local athletic club go out for their run. Fortunately they couldn't see my phone on my arm as it was asleep :D

Anyway my previous attempts at exercise was a 10 minute run of around a mile and a lot of discomfort. Tonight, I did a walk and was out for 36 minutes and did 2.21 miles.

I'm going to stick with this routine (though I am sceptical), but these training plans are so similar and recommended by so many people, I don't think I can argue.

I do the same again on Thursday and Saturday. Next Tuesday I bring in some running, but only 3 minutes out of the half hour. That happens for three runs, then the running time increases by three minutes a week or so. Towards the end of the programme you are supposed to introduce cycling, but I'm doing that anyway.

Hopefully I won't ache too much tomorrow, and next Tuesday, the distance should go up, and/or time down. Will get in touch with the local athletics club I think :D

Till next time!

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Another post - nearly two in one day!

You could probably tell from my previous post that I was a bit peeved at my earlier run, so I've gone and joined an online beginners Triathlon website/forum thing called Ta da daaaa (in the style of "Belt from the Croods"):


Anyway, it would appear I'm probably trying to do too much so I've downloaded their Aggressive Couch to 5K training programme and will try and take it at a more progressive pace.

Whereas I've only been doing the 10 minute runs, they are suggesting I start with 25 minute WALK, followed by a 30 min walk and then introduce running. It's also suggesting warm-ups and downs and stretching, so where I was walking out the front door, running, recovering and getting in the shower in 15 minutes, it now looks like each day's exercise will be more like an hour.

I'm now in a better mood. So there.

I'm probably going to skip Week 1, which was three 25/30 minute walks I've done four runs this last then days. Week 2 is 27 mins walking and three running. I'll also be getting some cycling in too.

Will let you know my thoughts at the end of day 1 of week 2 - being Monday :D



Just been out for a run, the first since Wednesday and a) it was the second slowest time since I started running and b) it transpires that my route is only 0.91 miles so I need to reassess a bit.

I did manage to run further than before - a tad over the half mile so that's one consolation I suppose.

It would appear that trying to break myself into running gently isn't working so will start running every day that I'm not cycling or swimming.

Also having a lot of pain in the front of lower legs, and thighs. I'm guessing that's normal as they haven't been used, apart from a bit of cycling, for 20 odd years.

May need to go for a walk later just to free them up a bit.

V. Irritated at the moment, so bit of a grumpy post I'm afraid.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Mid Day Shower Run :)

I wasn't going to run today for a couple of reasons - the main one being that I'm due to "lead" a night ride of the local mtb cycle club I belong to (it'll be a long hard muddy wet slog and I run at night so no-one can see me!), the other being that I only ran the night before last so wanted to give my legs a chance to recover more.

In case no-one has noticed, we are having some weather so the ride tonight will only happen if there are two or more people and so far there seems a bit of reluctance to my fb post looking for victims.

Anyway, it got to midday and I figured that if I ride tonight I won't be able to run so rather than find out later than I will be cycling and would have missed the opportunity to run, I decided to go out.

Bear in mind it's chucking it down, it's very windy and only about 5 deg C. So, I put on tracky bottoms and t shirt and set off.

I've got to admit the cold wind was actually taking my breath away - something I don't usually suffer with on the bike. Bit weird, but maybe I ride with my face down and run with my face up. Who knows?

When I did my first run the other night, I managed a couple of hundred yards before resorting to walking, today, despite the wind and rain and lack of breath I reckon I did about a third of a mile, so in the region of 600 yards. My next target is the half mile, then 3/4, and finally the whole way around. 

The legs are aching loads which I don't know whether it's good or bad, but the next run will be Friday and like I said in the previous partagraph, will aim to run the half mile. That to me will be a major milestone, and I'll only have to train to run 7 times further than that over the next five months and get the time down.

Which brings me to today's time. First run 10m 53s, second run 10 m 6s, third 9m 38s (despite the conditions). So it's going the right way, but I don't think I'll be breaking any records :D

Till the next one!